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Doctor Who: Five Years Rapid

Oct 29, 2020

This month, Kyle and Joy begin season 10 and with it an anniversary story! "The Three Doctors" gives us the return of Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor and William Hartnell's First Doctor--kind of. We discuss the ways in which the various characters come across, and the truly irritating way the Brigadier is presented....

Episode 15 - The Three Doctors

Oct 29, 2020

This month, Kyle and Joy begin season 10 and with it an anniversary story! "The Three Doctors" gives us the return of Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor and William Hartnell's First Doctor--kind of. We discuss the ways in which the various characters come across, and the truly irritating way the Brigadier is presented....

Oct 2, 2020

Well, we were always heading here. It's just our luck it fell in October. Yes, Kyle and Joy this month finish off Season 9 with *GULP* "The Time Monster," which is...well, it's something.