Apr 12, 2023
Our very own Joy Piedmont got to speak to none other than the most recent showrunner of Doctor Who, Chris Chibnall! Please enjoy this intimate conversation about his entire regime, his writing process, and some insight into some of the decisions he made.
Sep 3, 2021
And we've come to the end of Five Years Rapid, which is what we'll call season 1 of a Doctor Who podcast from Kyle and Joy. (More on that later.) In this final FYR, we give you our top 5 and bottom 3 stories, our Senior Superlatives, and try to summarize the Third Doctor era as succinctly as possible. As you can see,...
Aug 6, 2021
It's the end...but the moment has been prepared for. Wait, no, that's a different final story. We did it! We have come to the end of the five year that have indeed been rapid. Joy and Kyle discuss "Planet of the Spiders," a beloved story that has a lot to recommend it...and a lot of not great stuff too. Like, more...
Jul 2, 2021
For our penultimate Pertwee story, we look at *checks notes* wait, is this right? "The Monster of Peladon?" Well, I guess if we have to.
Jun 4, 2021
Third to last story for the Third Doctor and it's the third of his Dalek stories. Ermahgerd, Derlerks.